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Why we care

Banks are central for allocating society's financial resources and SEB plays an important role in the transition to a sustainable society. The transition covers areas such as transport, energy and food, and the investments needed to solve the challenges are huge and require a universal commitment.

SEB will be part of the solution because we believe a sustainable society is economically beneficial for all our stakeholders as well as for society at large. To mirror this conviction, we align our strategy with the Paris Agreement and the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Green offers

We are convinced that we can influence the development towards a more sustainable economy.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

SEB Bank has a strong belief that entrepreneurial minds and innovative companies are key in creating a better world.

Our Impact

SEB's impact ranges from our own footprint to the effects of the financial products and services we offer customers.

Our Ways

International commitments, internal policies and a clear governance structure ensure that our efforts are implemented throughout the company. Integrating sustainability in our business harness our ability to serve our customers. This combined with the commitment and knowledge among our employees is the recipe for our success.

Everyday heroes make our planet better by making the right choices.

Every decision must be made in a responsible way. That is why we at SEB banka support entrepreneurs who promote sustainable, environmentally friendly solutions. If you are one of the everyday heroes, then we have common way.



Sustainability officers
EE Tatjana Vakulenko,
LV Viktors Toropovs, 
LT Audrius Rutkauskas, 

Life&Pension Baltic
Inese Nīlsena,

​​​​​​Baltic Sustainability Operating Manager
Aušra Šamšonienė