Growth for companies
We are supporting companies with ambition to grow and scale their businesses.
Fintech partnerships
Partnering with innovative companies is a critical step towards meeting and exceeding our clients’ needs and expectations.
Students & Universities
We firmly believe that the world of education – universities, students, scientists – has immense potential for advancing innovation and economic growth in the Baltics.
SEB internal innovation practices
We believe that entrepreneurial minds and innovative companies are key in creating a better world.
Looking for other type of collaboration?
We are open to review other types of collaboration, so let us know more about your ideas.
SMEs graduated Growth Programme
Innovation projects with partners
Innovation centers launched
Employees engaged in innovation frameworks
SEB Baltic Innovation Team
Baltic Innovation Team provides world-class content, tools & skills so that new ideas could be developed with confidence and more certainty.

Kārlis Karolis
Head of Innovations, Baltics

Manages Innovation Centre in Riga, Latvia
Ance Abolina
Innovation Lead in Intrapreneurship

Manages Innovation Centre in Vilnius, Lithuania
Marius Ribokas
Innovation Lead in Partnerships

Giedre Ramanauskaite
Innovation Lead in Intrapreneurship

Manages Innovation Centre in Tartu, Estonia
Kristina Lillo
Innovation Lead in Cooperation with Academia

Manages Innovation Centre in Tallinn, Estonia
Anette Ustal
Innovation lead
Innovation Centers in Baltics
SEB Innovation Centres create environment for companies to thrive - a place, where entrepreneurs can get support, learn, collaborate and achieve their goals. Also it facilitates experimentation with fintechs, academia and corporates to form partnerships related to SEB business goals.

Vilnius, Lithuania
Innovation Center
Konstitucijos av. 24,
LT-08105 Vilnius

Riga, Latvia
Innovation Center
K. Barona street 20,
LV-1050 Riga

Tallinn, Estonia
Innovation Center
Tornimäe 2,
EE-15010 Tallinn

Tartu, Estonia
Innovation Center
Narva 20,
EE-51009 Tartu
Our journey & achievements
- Started collaboration with student innovation grant programme ESI on summer internship programme Youth LAB and hackathons
- 11 Master Thesis started on SEB provided topics in University of Tartu and Imperial College London
- 4 Baltic Innovation team driven exploration projects started
- Sustainability focus integrated to SMEs Growth Program and other innovation activities
- New direction started to be explored – CoCreate with Corporates
- Joined Sandbox program - Digital Product Management & Design Thinking education hotspot in University of Tartu
- Innovation Center opened in Tartu, expansion of collaboration with academic world
- Design Sprint applied in SEB, method invented by Google Ventures enables to validate new concepts with customers in a week
- Collaboration with Mastercard, Lighthouse program that supports in finding fintech partners to collaborate
- Baltic Youth LAB – a summer internship where students can solve real bank challenges applying design thinking and lean start-up for creating innovative solutions
- Innovation Centers opened in Vilnius and Riga
- 1st batch of Growth program, a business accelerator for ambitious SME entrepreneurs to achieve 10x growth in a sustainable way
- First bank that opens Innovation Center in the Baltics, Innovation Center opened in Tallinn
- Employee LAB started. That’s the place where employees were bringing their ideas and developing them as internal startups
Growth for Companies
We are supporting companies with ambition to grow and scale their businesses. For this, we have created our signature program - SEB Growth Program, that helps small and medium sized companies find new growth models and develop significantly faster than the general rhythm of the market. Whether the challenge is the digitalisation of products and services, the expansion into new markets or another direction that brings growth to the company. In doing so, we pay attention to the fact that business growth is achieved sustainably.
SEB Growth Program, is a 6-months growth accelerator which involves students, researchers and SEB mentors in the company's teams to find and achieve sustainable business growth.
Project Lead

Anette Ustal
Project Lead in Estonia

Ance Abolina
Project Lead in Latvia

Marius Ribokas
Project Lead in Lithuania
Fintech partnerships
Collaboration with external parties has never been so important as it is today. Our world, including business, is being rapidly influenced by changing consumer behavior, their expectations and technology shifts. Hence, we at SEB, believe in Open Innovation. Partnering with innovative companies is a critical step towards meeting and exceeding our clients’ needs and expectations. We are running multiple of programs and initiatives towards attracting, exploring and partnering with innovative companies.
First, you can reach us directly through Innovation Centers in all Baltic countries to explore viable collaboration opportunities.
Secondly, we participate at a flagship Mastercard Lighthouse development program (FINITIV) for Nordic and Baltics fintechs to form partnership with banks.
Also, our Open Banking platform for developers allows to build leverage our existing infrastructure. Lastly, we are always scouting for fintechs, which align to our mission, values and priorities, for investment opportunities.
Project Lead

Marius Ribokas
Innovation Lead in Partnerships
Academic cooperation
We firmly believe that the world of education – universities, students, scientists – has immense potential for advancing innovation and economic growth in the Baltics. Therefore, academic cooperation is becoming increasingly more important for us at SEB. Being an industry partner for universities has abled us to contribute to the education of our future experts by providing real-world challenges and case studies. This gives the academics great practical experiences, and at the same time brings us new and innovative viewpoints to the challenges at hand. In addition, we are happy to bring guest lecturers to universities, support student societies and initiatives and provide industry experts to various projects.
To bring the world of education and entrepreneurship together, students and scientists from Tartu University also join SEB Growth Programme, to give them valuable real-life experience of working with ambitious companies. To make all this happen, SEB opened the 4th Innovation Centre in Tartu – in Delta Building, right at the heart of the academic ecosystem of Tartu, perhaps even Estonia. We are excited to further advance cooperation with educational institutions and are open to all ideas that help bring together the youth, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Project Lead

Kristina Lillo
Innovation Lead in Cooperation with Academia
SEB internal innovation practices
We believe that entrepreneurial minds and innovative companies are key in creating a better world. Therefore vibrant company culture, life-long learning and cross-collaboration take a significant role in our daily life. As customer centricity is crucial for developing new things, service design mindset that includes diverse teams boosts creativity and empowers us to solve complex challenges.
Also we apply Design Sprint methodology [invented by Google Ventures] that helps in a rapid way get proof points at early stage of ideas development. Innovation is a journey of uncovering opportunities, building right solutions and constant improvement based on customer needs.
Project Lead

Giedre Ramanauskaite
Innovation Lead in Intrapreneurship

Ance Abolina
Innovation Lead in Intrapreneurship