Company vehicle insurance
You can insure your company's lorries, buses, trailers, motorcycles and ATVs.
The insurance offer includes an offer for comprehensive motor vehicle insurance and an offer for motor third party liability insurance.
Comprehensive insurance covers the damages caused by:
- a traffic accident;
- a natural disaster;
- fire (incl. smoke, damage and fire extinguishing);
- vandalism;
- theft of property or a part thereof;
- insurance of leasing value.
Motor third party liability insurance covers:
- liability for damage caused due to an insured event caused by the vehicle specified in the policy;
- the medical treatment costs of the driver who caused the damage.
In cooperation with insurance partner PZU Kindlustus
PZU Kindlustus is the recognised insurance partner of the Estonian Vehicle Dealers and Services Association

Included in Comprehensive insurance coverage
Insured object
The insured object is the vehicle specified in the policy in the state it was before the insured event. Any special equipment required for the intended use of the vehicle (lifting, refrigerating, heating, etc.) is insured with the vehicle, unless otherwise agreed in the insurance contract. The value of this equipment must be included in the sum insured. The sum insured is the maximum amount of the payout by the insurer specified in the insurance policy. The insurable value is the market price of the vehicle in Estonia. The sum insured does not decrease with indemnities paid out.
Vehicle’s accessories
The market value of the accessories is the indemnity limit. Accessories are the entertainment, multimedia, navigation, communications and other electronic equipment; extra lights; elements that improve the appearance and aerodynamics of the vehicle, alloy wheels, extra bumpers, taxi equipment, etc., that are fixed to the vehicle. The indemnity limit for accessories installed after the first sale of the vehicle is €1,000.
The excess payable for repairs and replacement of the windscreen is 10% of the damages. Main excess is applied to glass damage caused to buses.
Recovery and transport
The cost of recovering the vehicle and transportation to the repair workshop or storage site that is the nearest or specified by PZU Kindlustus, which are necessary and justified due to an insured event, are indemnified to the extent of €1,500.
Motor third party liability insurance
A motor third party liability insurance contract constitutes an obligatory liability insurance of the possessor of the vehicle.
In the case of a traffic accident or another insured event, the insurer will indemnify the proprietary and personal damage caused by the possessor of the vehicle to the other persons involved in a traffic accident.
A motor third party liability insurance contract provides insurance cover in the countries of the European Economic Area and other green card countries.
Motor third party liability insurance can be concluded with a term up to 1 year and either as an automatically renewable contract or as an automatically non-renewable contract.
Concluding an insurance agreement
Ask for an insurance offer on SEB webpage
We will contact you to agree on the most suitable offer
PZU will send you the insurance documents and the invoice to pay
Need advice about insurance?
If you have questions about conclusion of a new agreement call SEB Customer Support +372 665 5100
If you have questions about your existing insurance call PZU Customer Support +372 622 4545 at any time
More about company vehicle insurance
What to do in case of insured event?
- Immediately inform relevant authorities if it’s needed
- Report the loss online on PZU webpage:
Motor third party liability insurance loss notice Comprehensive motor insurance loss notice