Our team
In order to achieve maximum accuracy and the best results in considering your decisions, we provide a personal team consisting of:
Your personal Private Banker who has a complete overview of your needs and is responsible for the protection of your interests introducing the best possible solutions and beneficial offers to you.
Daily banking specialist who takes care of your daily banking
Credit manager who administers your loan and leasing contracts
Private Banking strategist who ensures you always have the latest overview of what is happening on the market as well as investment recommendations
The experience of our international investment management teams – based in Stockholm, London, Frankfurt and Helsinki –and its effectively integrated investment process is one of the greatest advantages you have collaborating with us.

Tõnu Sepp
Head of private banking

Sander Danil
Private banking strategist

Jaanus Sarv
Senior private banker

Mairi Reskov
Senior private banker

Teet Uuemõis
Private banker

Natalia Mustjõgi
Private banker

Iveta Tauber
Private banker

Raul Iro
Investment manager

Sirje Urbanik
Investment manager

Dmitri Matin
Investment manager

Kaie Kivistik
Daily banking specialist

Regina Lis
Daily banking specialist

Lisandra Lauri
Daily banking specialist

Ingrid Nurmeots
Loan expert

Anne Vares
Loan expert

Marju Säde

Kristi Paats