- Unlimited free payments within SEB*
- Up to 100 free European payments per month*
- Current accounts without monthly fee
- Free Mastercard Business debit cards (except Picture Card debit card)
- SEB Baltic Gateway operation channel Basic services without monthly fee
- Company’s property insurance from PZU Kindlustus**
- Super+ Plan free for one year for three private individuals and PZU** home insurance on special terms
*Free internal payments and European payments counted in the plan are valid in the following channels: the Internet Bank for Business, SEB Baltic Gateway, SWIFT, standing payment order, and e-invoice with automated standing order. European payments made with a consolidated payment order are not considered as transactions included in the plan.
**PZU is the trademark of AB “Lietuvos draudimas” Estonian branch. AB “Lietuvos draudimas” is a Lithuanian non-life insurance company, belonging to the international PZU Group. AS SEB Pank and AS SEB Liising acts as the insurance agent of the Estonian branch of AB “Lietuvos draudimas”, and is entered in the list of insurance intermediaries published on the website of Financial Supervision Authority. The list is available at www.fi.ee.